Andrea DeCapua, Ed.D., is a researcher, educator, and educational consultant. Her interests include second language acquisition, intercultural awareness, and second language learners and the classroom. She specializes in teacher training for teachers working with students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) as well as other struggling culturally and linguistically diverse learners.
Dr. DeCapua is a frequent presenter and trainer at conferences, national organizations, and school districts around the country. She is the author/co-author of several books on SLIFE and other struggling language learners and MALP®:
- Making the Transition to Classroom Success: Culturally Relevant Teaching for Struggling Language Learners
- Breaking New Ground: Teaching Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
- Meeting the Needs of Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
In addition Dr. DeCapua’s has contributed to numerous articles in a variety of journals including Preventing School Failure, ELT Journal, Bilingual Research Journal, Urban Review, TESOL Journal, and System. Her other books include
- Grammar for Teachers: A Guide to American English for Native and Non-Native Speakers
- Crossing Cultures in the Language Classroom (co-author)
View Dr. DeCapua’s presentations on Slideshare
Watch Dr. DeCapua discuss SLIFE with Dr. Jane Govoni of ESOL in Higher Ed, LLC. Three short video clips are available at ESOL Tips – Working with SLIFE in the Classroom
OELA Webinar
Dr. DeCapua was a participant in a webinar March 2013 on Teaching and Learning for Students with Interrupted Formal Education & Refugee Backgrounds, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition.
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